Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our last post

This will be our last post to the blog; this adventure is now at its end and a newone is just beginning. Today our family is once again complete - we picked up our last missing family member at the airport... Molly the Cat is now home with us.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


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From Zachary: Home again home again jiggity

Home again home again jiggity jig.

From Zachary: Well, just about into laconia.

Well, just about into laconia. We're in Tilton now.

Special request:

Mom... Zachary would like some of your peanut butter fudge. =)


Yep.. Grabbing lunch in Connecticut..almost there!

And yes, phone is dead.. Will charge it once I can find my car charger!

Day 4

Almost time to go..

In the business center printing out directions for the next part of our journey.. almost the last part of our journey.. it's kind of "cold" out today. Yes, most of you define cold much differently than I, however my shower gel, when retrieved from the car this morning, was almost frozen. Yes, I would definitely define that as cold.

The children get to experience/re-experience a new phenomenon this morning. Yes, today's travel is sponsored by Wind Chill. Although it's really about 50 degrees out I think, it will be more like 40 once we are outside. It's very windy. Anyhow, printing done. Need to get gas, and back onto the highway!

Till soon or sooner. =)

From Trin

We are at a hotel in deleware eating breakfast right now it is about under 30 degrees out side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Dabby

We are in deleware eating breakfast together and we loved it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


A rainbow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Day 3


Just so you know, if there's more than one "!", it's Trinni at the keypad. ;)

What a pretty building =)

Talking to Dada

Good morning. =)

Funny..  Haven't blogged yet so now we're getting pinged by text.. ;)

Anyway, eating breakfast, getting ready for another day of driving. Short day for driving.. 4 or 5 hours I think..

Till soon. =)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Getting settled in Virginia

Made it to the hotel almost sans incidents. Literally 500 feet from the hotel there was an accident which backed up traffic almost an hour. Ugh.

Going out to dinner now.. Morning tasks before Charles awakens: new wipers for both cars and three girls escaping for much needed spa pedicures and a little pampering. =)

Almost out of North Carolina

About 40 miles to go till Virginia.. in a rest stop. Our first actual "rest stop".


Dabby is asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Getting chilly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Day 2

Just about ready..

..To get back to driving. Today we're looking a 478 mile trek...

View Larger Map


Leaves actually change color here.. Getting closer to seasons!!


Sad news.. After too few years, my parents cats are gone.. Poor Cako, only 13 years, got put down last Thursday because of bad complications with her diabetes. And this morning they found out that Salem, who was ten, had really bad cancer and they didn't know it. Now he is gone, too. =( 

Your kitties are with Nana now!

The Official Trek Map

Yellow stars are stops en route!

Dabby and I are ready

Trin is just getting up.. I'm anxious to start day two.. Virginia, here we come!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Settling in for the night.

Well, we made it. We travelled thru Florida across I-4 (from exit 11 to the very end) and up I-95. We're supposed to be on this road for 600-something miles. Oh, and the traffic conundrum between I-4 and I-95 we experienced earlier? Apparently those silly Hazmat folk were busy cleaning up a helium or propane spill.

Just an observation but from what we've seen the entire state of Georgia is under construction.. Driving between the concrete walls in the once-there-were-4-and-now-there-are-2-lanes as the road lane shifts unexpectedly from side to side. Every two minutes it changes the speed limits but the locals all still seem to go about 80.

Anyhow, tomorrow we travel from Savannah, Georgia to RIchmond, Virginia - starting to fall asleep! Till soon!!

We are in georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Dabby:

I wiil miss you all but today is my moving day and I am happy .

From Trin:

Hi everybody! I miss you guys. On sunday I am going to arrive in new hampshire! Well if you can write to me Bie
        (Sad face)

First pitstop..

Something we won't see again once we reach NH..

Almost to Savannah - finally!

last florida sunset...

Last florida sunset


I 95 at last

Parking lot

Almost to the i-95 and i-4 interchange. Either an accident or...this is just traffic.

A little late.....

But our journey begins..

Vroom vroom vroom?

Well, no not yet. Back to the house, my lovely Charles still in bed at the hotel. Kitchen is nearly done now.. Living room and dining room as well. I think the kids will be doing their bathroom when they get back.

We did decide to throw away my antiquated PC, save for the ram, HD and video card - we bought it about five years ago. Lots of throwing away, has been rather sad. Lots of starting overs. My parents house *is* furnished, I'm just a packrat. Some things tho, Chuck just gives me a look like I am completely insane.. Little things mean a lot to me, tho. Oft times more than the big ones.

Yep, procrastination bug has me again. Back to work, more later. I may even let the kids add a post or two before we go. =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Went back to the house about 6:30, made great progress. The kids bedrooms, the family room, master bedroom, master bath and hallways are done. Electronics and clothes are at about 90 percent and the kitchen is about 50 percent (ugh). Garage still has a lot of stuff in it to go thru tho. I don't see us leaving at 9:30, it will likely be about noon. Stilln bareluy half a day away until go time!

Till soon!!

We're Bad.

After a couple more hours of packing and not a whole lot of cleaning, I'm ready for a nap. The whole napping on the floor thing isn't real appealing so I'm writing from a Holiday Inn Express. Bad, bad, bad. Should be packing and cleaning.

So, a few hours for a nap and then back to the house a few miles away for some nighttime packing, etc. Got to keep to schedule, tho.. And genius me, the electricity will be shut off a little after 12. ;) I had figured just put everything else in the garage and then finish cleaning, pack the few remnants and go-go-go.. but.. as Chuck pointed out, if we don't finish in time tomorrow, we could end up with the garage door stuck open.

Which leaves us with the anticipated 16 hour countdown to my planned driving time... and me taking a nap. I'm thinking it's probably not going to be 9am when we leave. Oh, well!

By the way, the plan:
Thursday: Drive from Riverview, Florida to Savannah, Georgia
Friday: Drive from Savannah, Georgia to Richmond, Virginia
Saturday: Drive from Richmond, Virginia to Wilmington, Deleware
Sunday: Drive from Wilmington, Deleware to Laconia, New Hampshire

Nap time now, kidlets are with their dad for the night so peace and quiet (except for Chuck pacing, rather bored as he isn't tired).. hope to have some real progress to report soon!

Have I mentioned lately...

...That the only thing worse than moving, is packing? Love him to pieces, but Chuck just told me he wants to repack what I've done in the van.  What a funny guy he is!  Getting there, tho.. Things are finally starting to get packed!

The Calm Before the Storm

Well, been up since much too early. Tis garbage day and as yesterday was a holiday needed to ensure everything went out. The last of the last now posted to craigslist to make sure everything has a home. My excuses and todo's are slowly getting crossed off the list.

The kids and Chuck are all still sound asleep (me = jealous), the garage is full of everythings and the daunting task of starting to stuff the cars full still taunts me. Once things go in, there is no going back; no going out for lunch, no running to the store, no last minute trip to anywhere at all. Trapped until the time comes to leave for the hotel and then to begin our journey.

I estimate about twelve boxes need to be packed into the vehicles. Of course, most are not in boxes but in small totes and spacebags (yes, they really do work!) The remainder are the half dozen too-big boxes of dvd's, cd's and video games for every imaginable gaming platform. The stuff that we weren't comfortable shipping. A few remaining kitchen gadgetries, the flat screens, pcs and printer. Funny, it seems like a lot more than that when I look in the garage. Is it too late to change my mind? ;) Yes, I'm procrastinating again.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Too excited to sleep

Dabby isn't interested in sleep, much too excited!

Counting down, currently at 2..

Only two days until the trip begins. We've shipped most everything we're going to ship (there still may be a stray box or two that we drop off at the UPS store tomorrow). The cars have both been serviced, the car has snow tires, the children have new books and nintendo ds games, the dvd player car chargers have been found, and...

I'm no where near packed. The house still needs a vacuuming, the windows a washing and the fridge a cleaning. There isn't *that* much to pack, it's kind of crazy how easy it is to procrastinate at this point. I should be packing and what am I doing instead? Yes, blogging. Anyways.

At least the van can be packed now. I dropped off the last of the furniture I will be delivering. Which means the things we'll be carrying on the trip can now be crammed into the nooks and crannies of the cargo space. The third row seating will soon be placed carefully in the back of the grand prix (why couldn't my minivan be the kind where the extra seats go hide themselves in the floor?? Life would be much easier and spacious right now) and the magic that is the mysterious female packing trait shall begin. (You know, where we can fit 3 times as much into a space as any man. Tis a good trait to have when moving! She packs, he carries the heavy stuff. It's all good.)

Tomorrow night we'll be staying at a hotel. All bedding will be dispatched or packed and we'll be getting ready for the journey that I'm sure none of us will ever forget!

Oh, and the kitty got her flying papers today. Lucky cat - no car trip for her, delta pet first all the way! Mrowr.