Thursday, November 13, 2008

Settling in for the night.

Well, we made it. We travelled thru Florida across I-4 (from exit 11 to the very end) and up I-95. We're supposed to be on this road for 600-something miles. Oh, and the traffic conundrum between I-4 and I-95 we experienced earlier? Apparently those silly Hazmat folk were busy cleaning up a helium or propane spill.

Just an observation but from what we've seen the entire state of Georgia is under construction.. Driving between the concrete walls in the once-there-were-4-and-now-there-are-2-lanes as the road lane shifts unexpectedly from side to side. Every two minutes it changes the speed limits but the locals all still seem to go about 80.

Anyhow, tomorrow we travel from Savannah, Georgia to RIchmond, Virginia - starting to fall asleep! Till soon!!

1 comment:

Kellz said...

Drive Safe!!!

Can't wait to see you guys!!
